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Professor Gina Rippon is Professor Emeritus of Cognitive NeuroImaging at Aston University in the UK.


Her research involves the use of state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques to investigate developmental disorders such as autism, profiling different patterns of brain activity in autistic children and adults.


Her current research explores the under-recognition of autism in women and girls, especially in neuroscience research. Her new book on this topic: The Lost Girls of Autism (UK)/Off the Spectrum (US) is released in April 2025.

Professor Gina Rippon

Professor Gina Rippon

Author of

The Lost Girls of Autism


Available from April 3rd

(NEW for 2025)

“A cognitive neuroscientist reveals how autistic women have been overlooked by biased research—and makes a passionate case for their inclusion.


Who comes to mind when you think about an autistic person? It might be yourself, a relative or friend, a public figure, a fictional character, or a stereotyped image. Regardless, for most of us, it’s likely to be someone male. Autistic women are systematically underdiagnosed, under-researched, and underserved by medical and social systems—to devastating effects...

Off the Spectrum


Available from April 1st


The Gendered Brain


The new neuroscience that shatters the myth of the female brain


An agenda-setting book that demolishes the myth of the male or female brain


This book is about an idea that has its roots in the eighteenth century and still persists in the twenty-first century. This is the notion that you can ‘sex’ a brain, that you can describe a brain as ‘male’ or ‘female’ and that you can attribute any differences in behaviour, abilities, achievements, personality, even hopes and expectations to the possession of one or the other type of brain...'

Gender and Our Brains

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